Esta lista de peces del lago Victoria incluye las 225 especies de peces que pueden encontrarse en el Lago Victoria ordenadas por orden alfabético de sus nombres científicos.
- Alestopetersius leopoldianus
- Amphilius jacksonii
- Amphilius uranoscopus
- Anguilla anguilla
- Aplocheilichthys bukobanus
- Aplocheilichthys eduardensis
- Aplocheilichthys loati
- Aplocheilichthys meyburghi
- Aplocheilichthys pumilus
- Astatoreochromis alluaudi
- Bagrus degeni
- Bagrus docmak
- Barbus acuticeps
- Barbus altianalis
- Barbus apleurogramma
- Barbus cercops
- Barbus jacksoni
- Barbus kerstenii
- Barbus loveridgii
- Barbus magdalenae
- Barbus neumayeri
- Barbus nyanzae
- Barbus paludinosus
- Barbus profundus
- Barbus radiatus radiatus
- Barbus sexradiatus
- Barbus trispilopleura
- Barbus viktorianus
- Barbus yongei
- Brycinus jacksonii
- Brycinus macrolepidotus
- Brycinus nurse
- Brycinus sadleri
- Chiloglanis somereni
- Clariallabes petricola
- Clarias alluaudi
- Clarias gariepinus
- Clarias liocephalus
- Clarias werneri
- Ctenopoma muriei
- Haplochromis acidens
- Haplochromis aelocephalus
- Haplochromis altigenis
- Haplochromis apogonoides
- Haplochromis arcanus
- Haplochromis argenteus
- Haplochromis artaxerxes
- Haplochromis azureus
- Haplochromis barbarae
- Haplochromis bareli
- Haplochromis bartoni
- Haplochromis bayoni
- Haplochromis bicolor
- Haplochromis boops
- Haplochromis brownae
- Haplochromis cassius
- Haplochromis cavifrons
- Haplochromis chilotes
- Haplochromis chlorochrous
- Haplochromis chromogynos
- Haplochromis chrysogynaion
- Haplochromis cinctus
- Haplochromis cinereus
- Haplochromis cnester
- Haplochromis crassilabris
- Haplochromis crocopeplus
- Haplochromis cronus
- Haplochromis cryptodon
- Haplochromis cryptogramma
- Haplochromis cyaneus
- Haplochromis decticostoma
- Haplochromis degeni
- Haplochromis dentex
- Haplochromis dichrourus
- Haplochromis diplotaenia
- Haplochromis dolichorhynchus
- Haplochromis empodisma
- Haplochromis erythrocephalus
- Haplochromis estor
- Haplochromis eutaenia
- Haplochromis fischeri
- Haplochromis flavipinnis
- Haplochromis flavus
- Haplochromis fusiformis
- Haplochromis gigas
- Haplochromis gilberti
- Haplochromis gowersii
- Haplochromis granti
- Haplochromis greenwoodi
- Haplochromis guiarti
- Haplochromis harpakteridion
- Haplochromis heusinkveldi
- Haplochromis hiatus
- Haplochromis howesi
- Haplochromis humilior
- Haplochromis igneopinnis
- Haplochromis iris
- Haplochromis ishmaeli
- Haplochromis kujunjui
- Haplochromis labriformis
- Haplochromis lacrimosus
- Haplochromis laparogramma
- Haplochromis lividus
- Haplochromis longirostris
- Haplochromis luteus
- Haplochromis macrocephalus
- Haplochromis macrognathus
- Haplochromis macrops
- Haplochromis maculipinna
- Haplochromis maisomei
- Haplochromis mandibularis
- Haplochromis martini
- Haplochromis maxillaris
- Haplochromis mbipi
- Haplochromis megalops
- Haplochromis melanopterus
- Haplochromis melanopus
- Haplochromis melichrous
- Haplochromis mento
- Haplochromis michaeli
- Haplochromis microdon
- Haplochromis mylergates
- Haplochromis nanoserranus
- Haplochromis nigrescens
- Haplochromis nigricans
- Haplochromis niloticus
- Haplochromis nubilus
- Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus
- Haplochromis nyanzae
- Haplochromis nyererei
- Haplochromis obesus
- Haplochromis obliquidens
- Haplochromis obtusidens
- Haplochromis oligolepis
- Haplochromis omnicaeruleus
- Haplochromis pachycephalus
- Haplochromis pallidus
- Haplochromis paraguiarti
- Haplochromis paraplagiostoma
- Haplochromis paropius
- Haplochromis parorthostoma
- Haplochromis parvidens
- Haplochromis pellegrini
- Haplochromis percoides
- Haplochromis perrieri
- Haplochromis pharyngomylus
- Haplochromis phytophagus
- Haplochromis piceatus
- Haplochromis pitmani
- Haplochromis plagiodon
- Haplochromis plagiostoma
- Haplochromis plutonius
- Haplochromis prodromus
- Haplochromis prognathus
- Haplochromis pseudopellegrini
- Haplochromis ptistes
- Haplochromis pundamilia
- Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus
- Haplochromis pyrrhopteryx
- Haplochromis retrodens
- Haplochromis riponianus
- Haplochromis rubripinnis
- Haplochromis rufocaudalis
- Haplochromis rufus
- Haplochromis sauvagei
- Haplochromis saxicola
- Haplochromis serranus
- Haplochromis simotes
- Haplochromis spekii
- Haplochromis squamulatus
- Haplochromis sulphureus
- Haplochromis tanaos
- Haplochromis teegelaari
- Haplochromis teunisrasi
- Haplochromis theliodon
- Haplochromis thereuterion
- Haplochromis thuragnathus
- Haplochromis tridens
- Haplochromis tyrianthinus
- Haplochromis ushindi
- Haplochromis victoriae
- Haplochromis victorianus
- Haplochromis vonlinnei
- Haplochromis welcommei
- Haplochromis xanthopteryx
- Haplochromis xenognathus
- Haplochromis xenostoma
- Hippopotamyrus grahami
- Marcusenius macrolepidotus macrolepidotus
- Marcusenius rheni
- Marcusenius victoriae
- Mastacembelus frenatus
- Micropterus dolomieu
- Micropterus salmoides
- Mormyrus kannume
- Oreochromis esculentus
- Oreochromis leucostictus
- Oreochromis niloticus eduardianus
- Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
- Oreochromis variabilis
- Petrocephalus catostoma catostoma
- Poecilia reticulata
- Pollimyrus nigricans
- Protopterus aethiopicus aethiopicus
- Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor multicolor
- Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor victoriae
- Sarotherodon galilaeus galilaeus
- Schilbe intermedius
- Schilbe mystus
- Synodontis afrofischeri
- Synodontis victoriae
- Boulenger, G. A., 1901: On a small collection of fishes from Lake Victoria made by order of Sir H. H. Johnston, K.C.B. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London, 1901, v. 1 (pt 1): 158-162.
- Boulenger, G. A., 1906: Descriptions of new fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 17 (núm. 101): 433-452.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1956: The monotypic genera of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 3 (núm. 7): 295-333.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1956: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part I: Haplochromis obliquidens Hilgend., Haplochromis nigricans (Blgr.), Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus (Hilgend.) and Haplochromis lividus, sp. n. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 4 (núm. 5): 223-244.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1957: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae) Pt. II. Haplochromis sauvagei (Pfeffer), Haplochromis prodromus Trewavas, Haplochromis granti Blgr., and Haplochromis xenognathus sp. n. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 5 (núm. 4): 75-97, Pl. 4.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1958: A new genus and species of cat-fish (Pisces, Clariidae) from the deeper waters of Lake Victoria. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 13) v. 1 (núm. 5): 321-325.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1959: The monotypic genera of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria, part II. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 5 (núm. 7): 165-177.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1959: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 5 (núm. 7): 179-218.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1960: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae) Part IV. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 6 (núm. 4): 227-281.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1962: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part V. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 9 (núm. 4): 139-214, Pl. 1.
- Greenwood, P. H., 1967: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part VI. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 15 (núm. 2): 31-119.
- Greenwood, P. H., i C. D. N. Barel, 1978: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), Part VIII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 33 (núm. 2): 141-192.
- Greenwood, P. H. i J. M. Gee, 1969: A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae). Part VII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology v. 18 (núm. 1): 1-65.
- Hoogerhoud, R. J. C. i F. Witte, 1981: Revision of species from the Haplochromis empodisma group. Revision of the haplochromine species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from Lake Victoria. Part 2. Netherlands Journal of Zoology v. 31 (núm. 1): 232-274, Pl. 1.
- Regan, C. T., 1922: The cichlid fishes of Lake Victoria. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1922 (pt 1) (núm. 9): 157-191, Pls. 1-4.
- Seehausen, O., E. Lippitsch, N. Bouton i H. Zwennes, 1998: Mbipi, the rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Victoria: description of three new genera and fifteen new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (núm. 2): 129-228.
- Van Oijen, M. J. P., 1991: A systematic revision of the piscivorous haplochromine Cichlidae (Pisces: Teleostei) of Lake Victoria (East Africa). Part 1. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) Núm. 272: 1-95.
- Van Oijen, M. J. P., 1996: The generic classification of the haplochromine cichlids of Lake Victoria, East Africa. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) Núm. 302: 57-110.
- Van Oijen, M. J. P. i F. Witte, 1996: Taxonomical and ecological description of a species complex of zooplanktivorous and insectivorous cichlids from Lake Victoria. Zoologische Verhandelingen (Leiden) Núm. 302: 1-56.
- Witte, F., 1984: Ecological differentiation in Lake Victoria haplochromines: comparison of cichlid species flocks in African lakes. Ch. 12, p. 155-167. A A. A. Echelle & I. Kornfield (Eds.), Evolution of Fish Species Flocks. Orono Press, University of Maine, Orono. Evolution of Fish Species Flocks.: i-x + 1-257.
Enlaces externos
- Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (en inglés)