1900-1901[1] | Frank Thilly: The Theory of Interaction (Occidental) |
1901-1902[2] | James Edwin Creighton: The Purposes of a Philosophical Association (Americana)
Frank Thilly: The Theory of Induction (Occidental) |
1902-1903 | Alexander Thomas Ormond: Philosophy and its Correlations (Americana)
Frederick J. E. Woodbridge: The Problem of Metaphysics (Occidental) |
1903-1904 | Josiah Royce: The Eternal and the Practical (Americana)
George Thomas White Patrick: Vacation (Occidental) |
1904-1905 | George Trumbull Ladd: The Mission of Philosophy (Americana)
Albert Ross Hill: Psychology and Education (Occidental) |
1905-1906 | John Dewey: Beliefs and Realities (Americana)
James Hayden Tufts: Some Contributions of Psychology to the Conception of Justice (Occidental) |
1906-1907 | William James: The Energies of Men (Americana)
Walter Bowers Pillsbury: The Ego and Empirical Psychology (Occidental) |
1907-1908 | Harry Norman Gardiner: The Problem of Truth (Americana)
Frank Chapman Sharp: The Objectivity of the Moral Judgment (Occidental) |
1908-1909: | Hugo Münsterberg: The Problem of Beauty (Americana)
Arthur (Schauffler) Oncken Lovejoy: The Obsolescence of the Eternal (Occidental) |
1909-1910 | John Grier Hibben: The Philosophical Aspects of Evolution (Americana)
Carl Emil Seashore (Sjoestrand): The Play Impulse and Attitude in Religion (Occidental) |
1910-1911 | Charles Montague Bakewell: The Problem of Transcendence (Americana)
Evander Bradley McGilvary: The ‘Fringe’ of William James’s Psychology: The Basis of Logic (Occidental) |
1911-1912 | Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge: Evolution (Americana)
Addison Webster Moore: Bergson and Pragmatism (Occidental) |
1912-1913 | Frank Thilly: Romanticism and Rationalism (Americana)
John Elof Boodin: The Existence of Social Minds (Occidental) |
1913-1914 | Evander Bradley McGilvary: Time and the Experience of Time (Americana)
Boyd Henry Bode: The Psychology Doctrine of Focus and Margin (Occidental) |
1914-1915 | James Hayden Tufts: Ethics of States (American/Western) |
1915-1916 | Andrew Campell Armstrong: Philosophy and Common Sense (Americana)
Alfred Henry Lloyd: The Doctrinaire in Time of Crisis (Occidental) |
1916-1917 | Arthur (Schauffler) Oncken Lovejoy: On Some Conditions of Progress in philosophical Inquiry (Americana)
George Herbert Mead: The Psychology of Punitive Justice (Occidental) |
1917-1918 | Addison Webster Moore: The Opportunity of Philosophy (Americana)
Hartley Burr Alexander: Art and the Democracy (Occidental) |
1918-1919 | Mary Whiton Calkins: The Personalistic Conception of Nature (Americana)
Henry Wilkes Wright: The Social Significance of Education (Occidental) |
1919-1920 | Hartley Burr Alexander: Apologia Pro Fide (Americana)
Norman Wilde: The Attack of the State (Occidental) |
1920-1921 | Ralph Barton Perry: The Appeal of Reason (Oriental)
Edgar Lenderson Hinman: Modern Idealism and the Logos Teaching (Occidental) |
1921-1922 | Wilmon Henry Sheldon: The Soul and Matter (Oriental)
Edward Scribner Ames: Religious Values and the Practical Absolute (Occidental) |
1922-1923 | Walter Goodnow Everett: The Problem of Progress (Oriental)
Edward Leroy Schaub: Spirit Militant and Spirit Harmonious (Occidental) |
1923-1924 | William Pepperell Montague: The Einsten Theory and a Possible Alternative (Oriental)
Roy Wood Sellars: The Emergene of Naturalism (Occidental) |
1924-1925 | Alexander Meiklejohn: Philosophers and Others (Oriental)
Edmund Howard Hollands: Nature and Spirit (Occidental) Harold Chapman Brown: The Material World: Snark or Boojum? (Pacífico) |
1925-1926 | Wilbur Marshall Urban: Progress in Philosophy in the Last Quarter Century (Oriental)
Guy Allan Tawney: Religion and Experimentation (Occidental) George Rebec: Back to Antimonies (Pacífico) |
1926-1927 | William Ernest Hocking: Mind and Near-Mind (Oriental)
Rupert Clendon Lodge: The Platonic Highest Good (Occidental) Henry Waldgrave Stuart: Some Reflections on Naturalism (Pacífico) |
1927-1928 | William Ernest Hocking: What Does Philosophy Say (Oriental)
David Ferdinand Swenson: Objective Uncertainty and Human Faith (Occidental) Geoge Plimpton Adams: Immediacy and Meaning? (Pacífico) |
1928-1929 | Felix Adler: The Ethical Problem (Oriental)
DeWitt Henry Parker: On the Notion of Value (Occidental) Herbert Wildon Carr: Real and Idea Relations (Pacífico) |
1929-1930 | Morris Raphael Cohen: Vision and Technique in Philosophy (Oriental)
Max Carl Otto: Mediation on a Hill (Occidental) Hartley Burr Alexander: Drama as a Cosmic Category (Pacífico) |
1930-1931 | Edgar Arthur Singer Jr.: On a Possible Science of Religion (Oriental)
Gustavus Watts Cunningham: On the Second Copernican Revolution in Philosophy (Occidental) Jacob Loewenberg: De Angelis (Pacífico) |
1931-1932 | Alfred North Whitehead: Objects and Subjects (Oriental)
Albert Perley Brogan: Philosophy and the Problem of Value (Occidental) William Savery: Chance and Cosmogony (Pacífico) |
1932-1933 | Harold Chapman Brown: Mind: An Event in Physical Nature (Pacífico)
Matthew Thompson McClure Jr.: The Greek Conception of Nature (Occidental) Edward Gleason Spaulding: Freedom, Necessity, and Mind (Oriental) |
1933-1934 | Clarence Irving Lewis: Experience and Meaning (Oriental)
John Dashiel Stoops: Society and the Subjective Mind (Occidental) John Elof Boodin: Functional Realism (Pacífico) |
1934-1935 | Warner Fite: The Philosopher and His Words (Oriental)
Charles Bruce Vibbert: The Perception of Movement in the Philosophies of Descartes and Bergson (Occidental) Thomas Vernor Smith: The Tragic Realm of Truth (Occidental) James Hayden Tufts: The Institution as Agency of Stability and Readjustment in Ethics (Pacífico) |
1935-1936 | Stephen Coburn Pepper: The Quest for Ignorance or the Reasonable Limits of Skepticism (Pacífico)
Edwin Thomas Mitchell: Social Ideals and the Law (Occidental) James Bisset Pratt: The Present Status of the Mind-Body Problem (Oriental) |
1936-1937 | Edgar Sheffield Brightman: An Empirical Approach to God (Oriental)
Charles William Morris: Peirce, Mead and Pragmatism (Occidental) Harvey Gates Townsend: On the Possibility of a Better World (Pacífico) |
1937-1938 | Gustavus Watts Cunningham: Meaning, Reference, and Significance (Oriental)
Joseph Alexander Leighton: History as the Struggle for Social Values (Occidental) David Wight Prall: Knowledge as Aptness of the Body (Pacífico) |
1938-1939 | George Holland Sabine: Logic and Social Studies (Oriental)
Jay William Hudson: Recent Shifts in Ethical Theory and Practice (Occidental) Ralph Tyler Flewelling: Three Windows into Reality (Pacífico) |
1939-1940 | Curt John Ducasse: Philosophy and Natural Science (Oriental)
Glenn Raymond Morrow: Plato and the Rule of Law (Occidental) Edward Octavius Sisson: Human Nature and the Present Crisis (Pacífico) |
1940-1941 | Charles William Hendel: Reflections on the Spirit of Man (Oriental)
Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff: Conviction and Tolerance (Occidental) Banjamin Arthorp Gould Fuller: Pot Shots at Present Pedagogy (Pacífico) |
1941-1942 | Grace Mead Andrus De Laguna: Cultural Relativism and Science (Oriental)
Elijah Jordan: Concerning Philosophy (Occidental) Ephraim Edward Ericksen: Materialism in Democracy-Democracy in Culture (Pacífico) |
1942-1944[3] | Brand Blanshard: On Being Reasonable (Oriental)
Brand Blanshard: Current Strictures on Reason (Pacífico) Donald Sage Mackay: The Illusions of Memory (Pacífico) |
1944-1945 | Brand Blanshard: (Oriental)
Victor Fritz Lenzen: The Concept of Reality in Physical Theory (Pacífico) George Perrigo Conger: Method and Content in Philosophy (Occidental) |
1945-1946 | William Kelley Wright: The End of the Day (Oriental)
Daniel Sommer Robinson: A Philosophy for the Atomic Age (Occidental) William Ray Dennes: Conflict (Pacífico) |
1946-1947 | Katherine Everett Gilbert: Recent Poets on Man and His Place (Oriental)
Marten Ten Hoor: The Role of the Philosopher (Occidental) Everett John Nelson: A Defense of Substance (Pacífico) |
1947-1948 | Cornelius Krusé: What Contribution Can Philosophy Make to World Understanding? (Oriental)
Abram Cornelius Benjamin: Philosophy, the Cult of Unintelligibility (Occidental) Hans Reichenbach: Rationalism and Empiricism: An Inquiry into the Roots of Philosophical Error (Pacífico) |
1948-1949 | Herbert Wallace Schneider: Metaphysical Vision (Oriental)
Charles Hartshorne: Chance, Love, and Incompatibility (Occidental) Donald Ayers Piatt: Philosophy, Pragmatism, and Human Bondage (Pacífico) |
1949-1950 | Paul Marhenke: The Criterion of Significance (Pacífico)
Albert Edwin Avey: Truth and Falsehood, Mostly Falsehood (Occidental) Walter Terence Stace: Naturalism and Religion (Oriental) |
1950-1951 | Hugh Miller: The Science of Creation (Pacífico)
Dilman Walter Gothalk: Twentieth Century Theme (Occidental) Arthur Edward Murphy: The Common Good (Oriental) |
1951-1952 | Margaret Georgiana Melvin: The Legal Norm in Soviet Jurisprudence (Pacífico)
Richard Peter McKeon: Symposia (Occidental) George Boas: Philosophy and Ritual (Oriental) |
1952-1953 | Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop: The Philosophy of Natural Science and Comparative Law (Oriental)
Philip Blair Rice: The Philosopher’s Commitment (Occidental) Edward William Strong: On Judging History (Pacífico) |
1953-1954 | Glenn Raymond Morrow: The Demiurge in Politics: The Timaeus and the Laws (Oriental)
Paul Henle: The Problem of Meaning (Occidental) Melvin Miller Rader: Crisis and the Spirit of Community (Pacífico) |
1954-1955 | Charner Marquis Perry: The Rationale of Political Discussion (Occidental)
Ernest Nagel: Naturalism Reconsidered (Oriental) La División del Pacífico no tuvo presidente en 1954-1955 porque Alexander Meiklejohn fue elegido pero no pudo incorporarse. Clarence Irving Lewis pronunció una conferencia (Realism and Phenomenalism?) en lugar del discurso presidencial, en la reunión anual de la División. |
1955-1956 | Albert George Adam Balz: Prime matter and physical science (Oriental)
Max Harold Fisch: The Critic of Institutions (Occidental) Bertram Emil Jessup: The Data of Aesthetics (Pacífico) |
1956-1957 | John Herman Randall Jr.: Talking and Looking (Oriental)
Oets Kolk Bouwsma: On Many Occasions I have in Sleep Been Deceived (Occidental) David Rynin: Vindication of L*G*C*L P*S*T*V*SM (Pacífico) |
1957-1958 | John David Goheen: Concerning a Tendency in French Ethical Thought (Pacífico)
Virgil Charles Aldrich: Chess Not Without the Queen (Occidental) Willard Van Orman Quine: Speaking of Objects (Oriental) |
1958-1959 | Max Black: Language and Reality (Oriental)
Paul Arthur Schilpp: The Abdication of Philosophy (Occidental) Abraham Kaplan: Philosophic Sense and Mystic Sensibility (Pacífico) |
1959-1960 | Sidney Hook: Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life (Oriental)
Van Meter Ames: Zen to Mead (Occidental) Philip Merlan: Existentialism: A Third Way (Pacífico) |
1960-1961 | John Wild: The Exploration of The Life-World (Oriental)
Arthur Campbell Garnett: Freedom and Creativity (Occidental) Barnett Savery: Remarks—Mainly about Knowledge and Reality (Pacífico) |
1961–1962 | Abraham Irving Melden: Reasons for Action and Matters of Fact (Pacífico)
Charles Leslie Stevenson: Relativism and Non-Relativism in the Theory of Value (Occidental) Carl Gustav Hempel: Rational Action (Oriental) |
1962–1963 | Maurice H. Mandelbaum: Philosophy, Science, and Sense-Perception (Oriental)
Herbert Feigl: The Power of Positive Thinking (Occidental) Isabel Payson Creed Hungerland: The Logic of Aesthetic Concepts (Pacífico) |
1963–1964 | Marvin Farber: The Philosophical Interest in Existence (Oriental)
Henry Siggins Leonard: Essences, Attributes, and Predicates (Occidental) Ernest Addison Moody: The Age of Analysis (Pacífico) |
1964–1965 | William Henry Werkmeister: Reflections on the Possibilities of Metaphysics (Pacífico)
Julius Rudolph Weinberg: The Novelty of Hume’s Philosophy (Occidental) Edwin Arthur Burtt: Truth, Understanding, and Philosophy (Oriental) |
1965–1966 | Gregory Vlastos: A Metaphysical Paradox (Oriental)
William Klaas Frankena: On Saying the Ethical Thing (Occidental) Alfred Stern: What are Spiritual Phenomena? (Pacífico) |
1966–1967 | Paul Weiss: Separate and Equal, but Integrated (Oriental)
Everett John Nelson: Metaphysical Presuppositions on Induction (Occidental) Philip Wheelwright: On the Meaning of You (Pacífico) |
1967–1968 | Henry Nelson Goodman: Art and Inquiry (Oriental)
Gustav Bergmann: Diversity (Occidental) James Louis Jarrett Jr.: Literary Functions, Roles, Masks (Pacífico) |
1968–1969[4] | Roderick Milton Chisholm: The Defeat of Good and Evil (Oriental)
Frederick Ludwig Will: Thoughts and Things (Occidental) V. Jerauld McGill: Scientific Ethics and Negotiation (Pacífico) Herbert Marcuse: The Relevance of Reality (Pacífico) |
1969–1970 | Stuart Newton Hampshire: A Kind of Materialism (Oriental)
Richard Booker Brandt: Rational Desires (Occidental) William Thomas Jones: Philosophical Disagreements and World Views (Pacífico) |
1970–1971 | Wilfrid Stalker Sellars: "...this I or he or it (the thing) which thinks...” (Oriental)
Henry Babcock Veatch: Language and Ethics (Occidental) John Wisdom: Epistemological Enlightenment: A Philosopher’s Apology (Pacífico) |
1971–1972 | Lewis White Beck: Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life (Oriental)
May Brodbeck: Mind: From Within and from Without (Occidental) Marjorie Glicksman Grene: Sartre and the Other (Pacífico) |
1972–1973 | Norman Malcolm: Thoughtless Brutes (Oriental)
Arthur Walter Burks: Logic, Computers, and Men (Occidental) Patrick Suppes: Congruence of Meaning (Pacífico) |
1973–1974 | Donald Davidson: On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme (Oriental)
Alan Gewirth: The "Is-Ought” Problem Resolved (Occidental) Alonzo Church: Rusellian Simple Type Theory (Pacífico) |
1974–1975 | John Bordley Rawls: The Independence of Moral Theory (Oriental)
William Henry Hay: Under the Blue Dome of the Heavens (Occidental) Herbert Paul Grice: Method In Philosophical Psychology (Pacífico) |
1975–1976 | Alice Ambrose Lazerowitz: Commanding a Clear View of Philosophy (Oriental)
Ruth Charlotte Barcan Marcus: Dispensing with Possibilia (Occidental) Jaako Hintikka: Gaps in the Great Chain of Being (Pacífico) |
1976–1977 | Hilary Putnam: Realism and Reason (Oriental)
Leonard Linsky: Believing and Necessity (Occidental) Herbert Fingarette: Punishment and Suffering (Pacífico) |
1977–1978 | Kurt Baier: The Social Source of Reason (Oriental)
Robert George Turnbull: Knowledge and the Forms in the Later Platonic Dialogues (Occidental) Wesley Charles Salmon: Why ask, Why? An Inquiry Concerning Scientific Explanation (Pacífico) |
1978–1979 | Monroe Curtis Beardsley: In Defense of Aesthetic Value (Oriental)
William Payne Alston: Yes Virginia, There is a Real World (Occidental) William Craig: Boolean Logic and the Everyday Physical World (Pacífico) |
1979–1980 | Richard McKay Rorty: Pragmatism, Relativism, and Irrationalism (Oriental)
Hector-Neri Castañeda: Reference, Reality, and Perceptual Fields (Occidental) David Shepherd Nivison: Two Roots or One? (Pacífico) |
1980–1981 | Roderick Firth: Epistemic Merit, Intrinsic and Instrumental (Oriental)
Alan Harry Donagan: Philosophical Progress and the Theory of Action (Occidental) David Kaplan: Philosophical Progress and the Theory of Action (Pacífico) |
1981–1982 | John Edwin Smith: The New Need for a Recovery of Philosophy (Oriental)
Alvin Plantinga: How to be an Anti-Realist (Occidental) Joel Feinberg: Sentiment and Sentimentality in Practical Ethics (Pacífico) |
1982–1983 | Adolf Grünbaum: The Perspective of a Philosopher of Science (Oriental)
Manley Hawn Thompson Jr.: Things in Themselves (Occidental) Philippa Ruth Foot: Why Be Moral? (Pacífico) |
1983–1984 | Arthur Coleman Danto: Philosophy as/and/of Literature (Oriental)
Ernan McMullin: The Goals of Natural Science (Occidental) Benson Mates: On Refuting the Skeptic (Pacífico) |
1984–1985 | Alasdair Chalmers MacIntyre: Relativism, Power, and Philosophy (Oriental)
Fred I. Dretske: Machines and the Mental (Occidental) Rogers Garland Albritton: Freedom of Will and Freedom of Action (Pacífico) |
1985–1986[5] | J. Quentin Lauer: S. J., Why Be Good? (Oriental)
Marcus George Singer: The Ideal of Rational Morality (Central) Donald Davidson: On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme (Pacífico) |
1986–1987 | Joseph John Kockelmans: On the Problem of Truth in the Sciences (Oriental)
William Leonard Rowe: Two Concepts of Freedom (Central) Richard Wasserstrom: Preferential Treatment, Color-Blindness and the Evils of Racism and Racial Discrimination (Pacífico) |
1987–1988 | Jonathan Bennett: Thoughtful Brutes (Oriental)
Robert Audi: The Architecture of Reason (Central) Julius Moravscik: Communal Ties (Pacífico) |
1988–1989 | Richard Jacob Bernstein: Pragmatism, Pluralism and the Healing of Wounds (Oriental)
Jaegwon Kim: The Myth of Nonreductive Materialism (Central) Keith Lehrer: Metamental Ascent: Beyond Belief and Desire (Pacífico) |
1989–1990 | Nicholas Rescher: Luck (Oriental)
Richard Thomas DeGeorge: Ethics and Coherence (Central) John R. Searle: Is the Brain a Digital Computer? (Pacífico) |
1990–1991 | Annette Baier: A Naturalist View of Persons (Oriental)
Edwin Curley: A Good Man is Hard to Find (Central) Stuart Newton Hampshire: Justice is Strife (Pacífico) |
1991–1992 | Harry G. Frankfurt: The Faintest Passion (Oriental)
Nicholas Wolterstorff: Tradition, Insight, and Constraint (Central) Alvin Ira Goldman: Empathy, Mind, and Morals (Pacífico) |
1992–1993 | Judith Jarvis Thomson: Goodness and Utilitarianism (Oriental)
Panayot Butchvarov: The Untruth and the Truth of Skepticism (Central) Patricia Smith Churchland: Can Neurobiology Teach Us Anything About Consciousness? (Pacífico) |
1993–1994 | Sidney Shoemaker: The First Person Perspective (Oriental)
Richard Stephen Kraut: Desire and the Human Good (Central) John Perry: Davidson’s Sentences and Wittgenstein’s Builders (Pacífico) |
1994–1995 | Margaret Dauler Wilson: Animal Ideas (Oriental)
Philip Lawrence Quinn: Political Liberalisms and Their Exclusions of the Religious (Central) Larry Laudan: Damn the Consequences (Pacífico) |
1995–1996 | Jerome Borges Schneewind: Voluntarism and the Foundation of Ethics (Oriental)
Peter Winch: The Expression of Belief (Central) Barry Stroud: The Charm of Naturalism (Pacífico) |
1996–1997 | Stanley Louis Cavell: Something out of the Ordinary (Oriental)
Michael L. Friedman: Philosophical Naturalism (Central) Henry Edward Allison: We Can Act Only Under the Idea of Freedom (Pacífico) |
1997–1998 | Robert Nozick: Invariance and Objectivity (Oriental)
Arthur I. Fine: The Viewpoint of No-One in Particular (Central) Philip Stuart Kitcher: Truth or Consequences? (Pacífico) |
1998–1999 | Mary Mothersill: Old Age (Oriental)
Elliott Reuben Sober: Testability (Central) Charles Tyler Burge: A Century of Deflation and a Moment About Self-Knowledge (Pacífico) |
1999–2000 | John Madison Cooper: Two Theories on Justice (Oriental)
Martha Craven Nussbaum: The Future of Feminist Liberalism (Central) Barbara Herman: Morality and Everyday Life (Pacífico) |
2000-2001 | Daniel C. Dennett: In Darwin’s Wake, Where Am I? (Oriental)
Lawrence Sklar: Naturalism and the Interpretation of Theories (Central) Brian Skyrms: The Stag Hunt (Pacífico) |
2001-2002 | Virginia Held: Moral Subjects: The Natural and the Normative (Oriental)
Allan Gibbard: The Reasons of A Living Being (Central) Paul M. Churchland: Outer Space and Inner Space: The New Epistemology (Pacífico) |
2002-2003 | M. Scanlon: Metaphysics and Morals (Oriental)
Marcia Baron: Manipulativeness (Central) Richard Wollheim: On the Freudian Unconscious (Pacífico) |
2003-2004 | Alexander Nehamas: Art, Interpretation, and the Rest of Life (Oriental)
Julia Annas: Being Virtuous and Doing The Right Thing (Central) Stephen Darwall: Respect and the Second-Person Standpoint (Pacífico) |
2004-2005 | Ernest Sosa: Dreams and Philosophy (Oriental)
Hubert L Dreyfus: Overcoming The Myth of The Mental: How Philosophers Can Profit From The Phenomenology of Everyday Expertise (Central) Karl Ameriks: A Commonsense Kant? (Pacífico) |
2005-2006 | Jerry Fodor: What is Universally Quantified and Necessary and A Posteriori and It Flies South in The Winter? (Oriental)
Jeffrie G. Murphy: Legal Moralism and Retribution Revisited (Central) Eleonore Stump: Love, By All Accounts (Pacífico) |
2006-2007 | Seyla Benhabib: Another Universalism: On the Unity and Diversity of Human Rights (Oriental)
Ted Cohen: Stories (Central) Calvin Normore: Freedom, Contingency, and Rational Power (Pacífico) |
2007-2008 | Anthony Appiah: Experimental Philosophy (Oriental)
James P. Sterba: Completing The Kantian Project: From Rationality to Equality (Central) Nicholas D. Smith: Modesty: A Contextual Account (Pacífico) |
2008-2009 | Christine M. Korsgaard: The Activity of Reason (Oriental)
Peter Van Inwagen: The New Anti-Metaphysics (Central) Nancy Cartwright: How to Do Things With Causes (Pacífico) |
2009-2010 | Edward S. Casey: Finding Your Own Philosophical Voice (Oriental)
Sally Sedgwick: Reason and History: Kant Versus Hegel (Central) Michael E. Bratman: Agency, Time, and Sociality (Pacífico) |
2010-2011 | Susan Wolf: Good-For-Nothings (Oriental)
Claudia Card: Surviving Long-Term Atrocities: U-Boats, Catchers, and Ravens (Central) Michael Tooley: The Skeptical Challenges of Hume and Berkeley: Can They Be Answered? (Pacífico) |
2011-2012 | Paul Guyer: Passion For Reason: Hume, Kant, And the Motivation for Morality (Oriental)
Peter Railton: That Obscure Object, Desire (Central) Alison Wylie: Feminist Philosophy of Science: Standpoint Matters (Pacífico) |
2012-2013 | Linda Martín Alcoff: Philosophy’s Civil Wars (Oriental)
Margaret Atherton: Dr. Johnson Kicks the Stone, Or Can the Immaterialisms of Berkeley’s Principles and Three Dialogues Be Reconciled (Central) John Martin Fischer: The Path of Life (Pacífico) |
2013-2014 | Sally Haslanger: Social Meaning and Philosophical Method (Oriental)
Steven Nadler: History of Modern Philosophy: What Is It Good For? (Central) Terence Parsons: The Perfection of Medieval Logic (Pacífico) |
2014-2015 | Thomas Hill Jr. (Oriental)
Elizabeth Anderson (Central) David Copp (Pacífico) |
- ↑ Primer año de la Asociación Filosófica Occidental
- ↑ Primer año de la Asociación Filosófica Americana
- ↑ Durante los años de la guerra, no hubo reuniones y las conferencias del presidente se anularon o pospusieron. Blanshard fue el presidente en funciones para todas las divisiones.
- ↑ La División del Pacífico se reunió dos veces este año y, por tanto, tuvo dos presidentes.
- ↑ La División Occidental cambió su nombre a Central.
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