Artículo 4. Obras que no pueden estar sujetas a derechos de autor.
No se otorgará protección de derechos de autor a: a) expresiones del folclore y el arte tradicionales; b) noticias del día o información sobre hechos y eventos actuales; c) documentos oficiales (leyes, tratados, decretos) y sus traducciones oficiales; d) emblemas y símbolos estatales (bandera, escudo de armas, medallas, símbolos monetarios); e) discursos políticos, discursos pronunciados en la corte; f) resultados obtenidos por medios técnicos sin la intervención de la actividad creativa humana.
Los derechos de autor no aplican sobre descubrimientos científicos, ideas, principios, métodos, procedimientos, puntos de vista, sistemas, ceremonias, teorías científicas, fórmulas matemáticas, diagramas estadísticos, reglas de juego; incluso si se expresan, describen, divulgan o comentan en obras.
3. Copyright protection shall be granted only to the form of expression of a work and shall not apply to any ideas, processes, methods or mathematical concepts.
4. Copyright to a work is not connected with the property right to the material object on which the work is expressed.
Article 7. Objects not covered by copyright protection
The following items shall not be objects of copyright:
Official documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character) and their official translations;
State emblems and official signs (flags, arms, anthems, orders, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs);
Folk creativity (folklore) expressions;
News of day, data about various events and the facts of information character
This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of Georgia No. 2388-Is of September 9, 1999 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights
Article 5. Subject Matter Of Copyright
Copyright does not apply to ideas, methods, processes, systems, means, concepts, principles, discoveries and facts, even if they are expressed, described, explained, illustrated or embodied in a work
Article 8.Works To Which Copyright Does Not Apply
Copyright does not apply to the following works:
a) official documents (laws, decisions of courts, other texts of administrative and normative character), as well as their official translations;
b) official symbols of state (flag, emblem, anthem, award, monetary symbols, other official signs and symbols of state);
c) information of events and facts.
When using the works mentioned in subparagraph "b" of this Article under the other persons name, it is possible to protect the right of author's name.
Comment – According to interstate and international compacts, Georgia is the legal successor of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic; therefore, this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Georgian SSR.
Warning – This license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of formal documents, which can be copyrighted.
de compartir – de copiar, distribuir y transmitir el trabajo
de remezclar – de adaptar el trabajo
Bajo las siguientes condiciones:
atribución – Debes otorgar el crédito correspondiente, proporcionar un enlace a la licencia e indicar si realizaste algún cambio. Puedes hacerlo de cualquier manera razonable pero no de manera que sugiera que el licenciante te respalda a ti o al uso que hagas del trabajo.
compartir igual – En caso de mezclar, transformar o modificar este trabajo, deberás distribuir el trabajo resultante bajo la misma licencia o una compatible como el original.