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DescripciónGravitational constant historical.png
English: Timeline of measurements and recommended values for the gravitational constant, 1911-2014.
Data points in red are recommended value based on a review of the entire evidence.
Data points in blue are results of torsion balance experiments (Cavendish experiment).
Data points in green are from other types of experiments (two with pendulums, one with a beam balance and one [2014] from atom interferometry).
The 1911 value is from Poynting's article in Encyclopedia Britannica 1911 edition, it represents the best estimate made by Poynting at this time, but it essentially corresponds to Poynting's own result from 1891, which was the best available at that time. Only the upper half of Poynting's error bar is shown.
Red values from 1969 onwards are the CODATA NIST recommended values.
The image illustrates how all experiments since the 1980s have remained inside the uncertainty of the 1969 recommended value, but have failed to converge on any more accurate value in spite of the citation of very optimistic uncertainty intervals in some experiments.
1930 6.67 0.005 Heyl 1930
1942 6.673 0.003 Heyl and Chrzanowski 1942
1982 6.6726 0.0005 Luther and Towler 1982[1]
1996 6.6729 0.0005 Karagioz and Izmailov 1996[2]
1997 6.6740 0.0007 Bagley and Luther 1997[3]
2000 6.674215 0.000092 Gundlach and Merkowitz 2000[4]
2001 6.67559 0.00027 Quinn et al. 2001[5]
2003 6.67387 0.00027 Armstrong and Fitzgerald 2003[6]
2010 6.67349 0.00018 Tu et al. 2010[7]
2013 6.67545 0.00018 Quinn et al. 2013[8]
2014 6.67433 0.00013 Newman et al. 2014 [9] [not shown]
2002 6.67422 0.00098 Kleinevoss 2002[10] (two pendulums)
2006 6.674252 0.000122 Schlamminger et al. 2006[11] (beam balance)
2010 6.67234 0.00014 Parks and Faller 2010[12] (two pendulums)
2014 6.67191 0.00099 Rosi et al. 2014 (atom interferometry)[13]
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{{Information |description ={{en|1=Timeline of measurements and recommended values for the gravitational constant, 1911-2014. Recommended value based on a review of the entire evidence are shown in red. The 1911 value is from Poynting's article in Encyclopedia Britannica 1911 edition, it represents the best estimate made by Poynting at this time, but it essentially corresponds to Poynting's own result from 1891, which was the best available at that time. Only the upper half of Poynting's er...