DescripciónLogo of the Constitutional Court of Korea.svg
English: Official Communication logo of the Constitutional Court of Korea, used in public relations affairs
한국어: 대한민국 헌법재판소 상징문양. 공보관련 사안에서 헌법재판소를 상징하는 용도로 사용됨
日本語: 大韓民国の憲法裁判所の象徵文樣
Self-made from the original raster image file provided by the Constitutional Court. (Source: ) Modified for accuracy, citing photographic images from web.
Constitutional Court of Korea (Vectorized and retouched for accuracy by Nudimmud)
This work was produced as part of official duties and already made public by a national agency or a local government of the Republic of Korea (South Korea), or the author's economic right of it is owned in its entirety by a national agency or a local government of the Republic of Korea under a contract. According to Article 24-2 of the Copyright Act of the Republic of Korea, the free use of this kind of work such as reproduction, modification, redistribution, and production and use of derivative works is permitted even including for commercial purposes without the need to obtain permission from the copyright holder.
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Esta imagen representa una bandera, un escudo, un sello o alguna otra insignia oficial. El uso de estos símbolos está restringido en muchos países. Estas restricciones son independientes del estado de sus derechos de autor.
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Logo of constitutional court in South Korea under Chapter Ⅵ of South Korean Constitution