Español: Recurso solar: IRRADIACIÓN HORIZONTAL GLOBAL (GHI): este mapa ofrece un resumen de la energía solar estimada disponible para la generación de energía y para otras aplicaciones energéticas. Representa el promedio a largo plazo de los totales diarios y anuales de la irradiación horizontal global (GHI). La base de datos de recursos solares subyacentes se calcula mediante el modelo Solargis a partir de los datos atmosféricos y satélites con un intervalo de tiempo de 15 o 30 minutos. Los efectos del terreno se tienen en cuenta a una resolución espacial nominal de 150 m. El GHI es el parámetro más importante para el cálculo del rendimiento energético y para la evaluación del rendimiento de la energía fotovoltaica (FV) de placa plana. Puede consultar más información a:
English: Solar resource: GLOBAL HORIZONTAL IRRADIATION (GHI) - this map provides a summary of the estimated solar energy available for power generation and other energy applications. It represents the long-term average of daily/yearly totals of global horizontal irradiation (GHI). The underlying solar resource database is calculated by the Solargis model from atmospheric and satellite data with 15- or 30-minute time step. The effects of terrain are considered at nominal spatial resolution of 250 m. GHI is the most important parameter for energy yield calculation and performance assessment of flat-plate photovoltaic (PV) technologies. Further details available at:
The World Bank Group has published this solar resource map using data from the Global Solar Atlas (GSA), to support the scale-up of solar power in our client countries. This work is funded by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), a multi-donor trust fund administered by The World Bank and supported by 18 donor partners. It is part of a global ESMAP initiative on Renewable Energy Resource Mapping that covers biomass, hydropower, solar and wind. This map has been prepared by Solargis, under contract to The World Bank, based on a solar resource database that Solargis owns and maintains. To obtain additional maps and information, please visit:
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