School_Strike_4_Climate_Brisbane_100_(48769647593).jpg (800 × 600 píxeles; tamaño de archivo: 582 kB; tipo MIME: image/jpeg)
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DescripciónSchool Strike 4 Climate Brisbane 100 (48769647593).jpg |
“We are striking from school to tell our politicians to take our futures seriously and treat climate change for what it is - a crisis.” School Strike 4 Climate Photo by Stephen Hass – Using Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License Over 330,000 strike on Friday in Australia doubling the March 2019 protests. Students, workers and people all ages in 115+ Australian cities & towns. Potentially over 4 million people globally will participate in world's largest climate mobilisation. “The strike comes three days before world leaders meet in New York for the United Nations Emergency Climate Summit. Scott Morrison will not attend the UN summit despite being in New York at the same time meeting with Donald Trump.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> “Politicians can show us that they care by taking urgent action to meet our demands: One: No new coal, oil and gas projects, including the Adani mine. Two: 100% renewable energy generation & exports by 2030 Three: Fund a just transition & job creation for all fossil-fuel workers & communities.” School Strike 4 Climate 7 continents 150+ countries 5000+ Strikes 90 Unions 4 Global Union Federations School Strike 4 Climate “Climate change is one of the biggest problems facing the world and it isn’t being addressed quickly enough.” School Strike 4 Climate UPDATE BELOW: 25 September 2019 “Greenhouse gas emissions have been rising in Australia since the Coalition repealed Labor’s carbon price despite the country’s commitments to reduce pollution under the Paris agreement. Total national emissions have increased each year since 2014.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> “Diplomatic officials from countries that I speak with see Australia as a denialist government,” he said. “It’s just accepted that’s what it is. It is seen as doing its own promotion of coal and natural gas against the science.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> “Scott Morrison is increasingly seen as running a “denialist government” that is not serious about finding a global climate solution and uses “greenwash” to meet its emissions commitments, analysts and former diplomats say.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> “Richie Merzian, a former climate diplomat who now works at progressive thinktank the Australian Institute, said Australia was seen by other countries as denying the severity of the problem and in engaging in “greenwashing” by using accounting tricks to meet targets while actual emissions increased.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> “A report backed by the world’s major climate science bodies released on the eve of the summit found current plans would lead to a rise in average global temperatures of between 2.9C and 3.4C by 2100, a shift likely to bring catastrophic change across the globe.” <a href="" rel="noreferrer nofollow"></a> |
Fecha | |
Fuente | School Strike 4 Climate Brisbane 100 |
Autor | Stephen Hass from Brisbane, Australia |

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Esta imagen fue publicada en Flickr por powerofgreatbarrierreef en La imagen fue revisada el 27 de septiembre de 2019 por el robot FlickreviewR 2 y confirmó tener licencia bajo los términos de cc-by-2.0. |
27 de septiembre de 2019
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20 sep 2019
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Fecha y hora | Miniatura | Dimensiones | Usuario | Comentario | |
actual | 13:48 27 sep 2019 | ![]() | 800 × 600 (582 kB) | A1Cafel | Transferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons |
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Fabricante de la cámara | Canon |
Modelo de cámara | Canon EOS 550D |
Tiempo de exposición | 1/1000 seg (0,001) |
Número F | f/5,6 |
Fecha y hora de la generación de los datos | 15:16 20 sep 2019 |
Longitud focal de la lente | 84 mm |
Anchura | 5184 px |
Altura | 3456 px |
Bits por componente |
Composición de pixel | RGB |
Orientación | Normal |
Número de componentes | 3 |
Resolución horizontal | 72 dpc |
Resolución vertical | 72 dpc |
Software usado | Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 (Macintosh) |
Fecha y hora de modificación del archivo | 16:25 21 sep 2019 |
Posicionamientos Y y C | Co-localizados |
Programa de exposición | Programa de acción (alta velocidad de obturador) |
Calificación de velocidad ISO | 400 |
Versión de Exif | 2.21 |
Fecha y hora de la digitalización | 15:16 20 sep 2019 |
Significado de cada componente |
Velocidad de obturación APEX | 10 |
Apertura APEX | 5 |
Sesgo de exposición | 0 |
Valor máximo de apertura | 4,875 APEX (f/5,42) |
Modo de medición | Patrón |
Flash | No se disparó el flash, disparo de flash anulado |
Fecha y hora (precisión por debajo del segundo) | 54 |
Fecha y hora de la generación de los datos (precisión por debajo del segundo) | 54 |
Fecha y hora de la digitalización (precisión por debajo del segundo) | 54 |
Versión admitida de Flashpix | 1 |
Espacio de color | sRGB |
Resolución X del plano focal | 5728,1767955801 |
Resolución Y del plano focal | 5808,4033613445 |
Unidad de resolución del plano focal | pulgadas |
Procesador personalizado de imagen | Proceso normal |
Modo de exposición | Exposición automática |
Balance de blanco | Balance de blanco automático |
Tipo de captura de escena | Estándar |
Número de serie de la cámara | 2233358363 |
Lente utilizada | TAMRON 18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 DiII A14E |
Fecha en la cual fueron modificados por última vez los metadatos | 02:25 22 sep 2019 |
Id. único del documento original | C8554D2489E7ACCF0306D86EFCD62BFF |