English: St Finan's Kirk The ancient church of Migvie, dedicated to St. Finan (spelt variously St Finnan, St Finian and St Finnian), was granted to the priory of St Andrews in the late 12th century. The Name Book (1866) records that 'part of a wall and the track of the foundations of the former church were visible in front of the present church' in 1866. All that can be seen of the old church is a slight mound with grass-covered footings about 6.0m wide and of indefinite length. The building behind is the later Migvie Parish Kirk.[1] has more details. The 'Cross' marked on the map is no longer in the kirkyard. It has been moved into the kirk to protect it from further erosion. Thanks to Stan Howe for information.
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=St Finan's Kirk The ancient church of Migvie, dedicated to St. Finan (spelt variously St Finnan, St Finian and St Finnian), was granted to the priory of St Andrews in the late 12th century. The Name