Alleged torture
The article says that Galileo was tortured. Finochiario is given as a reference. Perhaps the word of someone who saw and heard the torture at the time can be given.
- The Spanish version is not even an accurate translation of the English. The English article says that Galileo was threatened with torture. Finochiario says the same, that Galileo was threatened with torture.
- The word "physical" was put into the English article by a user called Darouet, who has several conflicts of interest.
- There was a debate about the alleged torture in the English Wikipedia. David J Wilson, an Australian of British origin, agreed that Galileo was not tortured. See .
- Baretti in 1757 was the first to claim that Galileo was tortured. Brewster in 1855 was the second.
- There was a debate about the alleged torture in the English Wikipedia. David J Wilson, an Australian of British origin, agreed that Galileo was not tortured. See .
- The word "physical" was put into the English article by a user called Darouet, who has several conflicts of interest.
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