La función principal es numeral_to_spanish
y recibe los siguientes parámetros opcionales a parte del número:
case=u o case=U
: para mostrar la primera letra en mayúsculaord=on
: para devolver el número deletreado en ordinallk=on o lk=grupo
: para generar enlaces a las magnitudesnegative=palabra
utilizaría "palabra" en vez de "menos" con números negativos- Ejemplo: con -1
generaría "- uno"negative=Queen
generaría "Queen uno"- por defecto se generaría "menos uno"
- Ejemplo: con -1
También están disponibles las siguientes funciones:
: para convertir de números decimales a hexadecimales- Ejemplo: 50 -> 32
: para convertir un número romano a decimal- Ejemplo: VI -> 6
Las pruebas del módulo se pueden encontrar en Módulo:ConvertNumeric/tests y el resultado de su ejecución en Módulo discusión:ConvertNumeric/tests
Antes de modificar el módulo prueba tus cambios en Módulo:ConvertNumeric/sandbox y observa el resultado de aplicar los tests en Módulo discusión:ConvertNumeric/sandbox/testcases
-- Módulo para convertir entre diferentes representaciones de números
-- Los tests están en [[Módulo:ConvertNumeric/tests]], úsalos para verificar las ediciones
-- Antes de editar el módulo prueba tus cambios en [[Módulo:ConvertNumeric/sandbox]] y verifica que funcionan en [[Módulo_discusión:ConvertNumeric/sandbox/testcases]]
local posicion_unidades = {
[0] = 'cero',
[1] = 'uno',
[2] = 'dos',
[3] = 'tres',
[4] = 'cuatro',
[5] = 'cinco',
[6] = 'seis',
[7] = 'siete',
[8] = 'ocho',
[9] = 'nueve',
[10] = 'diez',
[11] = 'once',
[12] = 'doce',
[13] = 'trece',
[14] = 'catorce',
[15] = 'quince',
[16] = 'dieciseis',
[17] = 'diecisiete',
[18] = 'dieciocho',
[19] = 'diecinueve'
local posicion_unidades_ord = {
[0] = 'cero', -- No existe en español una diferencia
[1] = 'primero',
[2] = 'segundo',
[3] = 'tercero',
[4] = 'cuarto',
[5] = 'quinto',
[6] = 'sexto',
[7] = 'séptimo',
[8] = 'octavo',
[9] = 'noveno',
[10] = 'décimo',
[11] = 'décimo primero',
[12] = 'duodécimo',
[13] = 'décimo tercero',
[14] = 'décimo cuarto',
[15] = 'décimo quinto',
[16] = 'décimo sexto',
[17] = 'décimo séptimo',
[18] = 'décimo octavo',
[19] = 'décimo noveno'
local separadores = {
[0] = ' y ', -- Para cardinales
[1] = ' ', -- Para ordinales
local posicion_decenas = {
[2] = 'veinte',
[3] = 'treinta',
[4] = 'cuarenta',
[5] = 'cincuenta',
[6] = 'sesenta',
[7] = 'setenta',
[8] = 'ochenta',
[9] = 'noventa'
local posicion_decenas_ord = {
[2] = 'vigésimo',
[3] = 'trigésimo',
[4] = 'cuadragésimo',
[5] = 'quincuagésimo',
[6] = 'sexagésimo',
[7] = 'septuagésimo',
[8] = 'octogésimo',
[9] = 'nonagésimo'
local posicion_centenas = {
[1] = 'cien',
[2] = 'doscientos',
[3] = 'trescientos',
[4] = 'cuatrocientos',
[5] = 'quinientos',
[6] = 'seiscientos',
[7] = 'setecientos',
[8] = 'ochocientos',
[9] = 'novecientos'
local posicion_centenas_ord = {
[1] = 'centésimo',
[2] = 'ducentésimo',
[3] = 'tricentésimo',
[4] = 'cuadringentésimo',
[5] = 'quingentésimo',
[6] = 'sexcentésimo',
[7] = 'septingentésimo',
[8] = 'octingentésimo',
[9] = 'noningentésimo'
local groups = {
[1] = 'mi',
[2] = 'bi',
[3] = 'tri',
[4] = 'cuatri',
[5] = 'quinti',
[6] = 'sexti',
[7] = 'septi',
[8] = 'octi',
[9] = 'noni',
[10] = 'deci',
[11] = 'undeci',
[12] = 'duodeci',
[13] = 'tredeci',
[14] = 'cuatordeci',
[15] = 'quindeci',
[16] = 'sexdeci',
[17] = 'septendeci',
[18] = 'octodeci',
[19] = 'novendeci',
[20] = 'viginti'
local decimal_small_groups = {
[1] = 'décima',
[2] = 'centésima',
[3] = 'milésima',
[4] = 'diezmilésima',
[5] = 'cienmilésima',
local roman_numerals = {
I = 1,
V = 5,
X = 10,
L = 50,
C = 100,
D = 500,
M = 1000
-- Converts a given valid roman numeral (and some invalid roman numerals) to a number. Returns -1, errorstring on error
local function roman_to_numeral(roman)
if type(roman) ~= "string" then return -1, "el número romano no es un string" end
local rev = roman:reverse()
local raising = true
local last = 0
local result = 0
for i = 1, #rev do
local c = rev:sub(i, i)
local next = roman_numerals[c]
if next == nil then return -1, "el número romano contiene un caracter erróneo " .. c end
if next > last then
result = result + next
raising = true
elseif next < last then
result = result - next
raising = false
elseif raising then
result = result + next
result = result - next
last = next
return result
-- Convierte un número entre 0 y 100 a texto en Español (ejemplo 47 -> cuarenta y siete)
local function numeral_to_spanish_less_100(num, ordinal, zero, final)
local unidades, decenas
if ordinal then
unidades = posicion_unidades_ord
decenas = posicion_decenas_ord
sep = separadores[1]
unidades = posicion_unidades
decenas = posicion_decenas
sep = separadores[0]
local value = ''
if num == 0 and zero ~= nil then -- Si es 0 y se especifica valor para el caso cero
value = zero
elseif num < 20 then -- Caso para números menores de 20 que son raros en general
value = unidades[num]
elseif num % 10 == 0 then -- Caso genérico para veinte, treinta, cuarenta etc | cuadragésimo
value = decenas[num / 10]
elseif math.floor(num / 10) == 2 and not ordinal then -- Caso especial para el veintiuno veintidos veintitres etc....
local tmp = 'veinti' .. unidades[num % 10]
if tmp == 'veintitres' then tmp = 'veintitrés' end
value = tmp
else -- Caso genérico de noventa y uno, cincuenta y dos | vigesimo tercero
value = decenas[math.floor(num / 10)] .. sep .. unidades[num % 10]
if not final and value == 'cero' then
value = ''
return value
-- Convierte un entero entre 0 y 1000 a texto en Español (e.g. 475 -> cuatrocientos setenta y cinco)
local function numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num, ordinal, zero, final)
local centenas
if ordinal then
centenas = posicion_centenas_ord
centenas = posicion_centenas
num = tonumber(num)
if num < 100 then
return numeral_to_spanish_less_100(num, ordinal, zero, final)
elseif num % 100 == 0 then
return centenas[num/100]
elseif math.floor(num/100) == 1 and not ordinal then
return 'ciento' .. ' ' .. numeral_to_spanish_less_100(num % 100, ordinal, zero)
return centenas[math.floor(num/100)] .. ' ' .. numeral_to_spanish_less_100(num % 100, ordinal, zero, final)
-- Convierte un número expresado en notación científica a la notación decimal estándar
-- ejemplo 1.23E5 -> 123000, 1.23E-5 = .0000123. La conversión es exacta, sin redondeos.
local function scientific_notation_to_decimal(num)
local exponent, subs = num:gsub("^%-?%d*%.?%d*%-?[Ee]([+%-]?%d+)$", "%1")
if subs == 0 then return num end -- Input not in scientific notation, just return unmodified
exponent = tonumber(exponent)
local negative = num:find("^%-")
local _, decimal_pos = num:find("%.")
-- Mantissa will consist of all decimal digits with no decimal point
local mantissa = num:gsub("^%-?(%d*)%.?(%d*)%-?[Ee][+%-]?%d+$", "%1%2")
if negative and decimal_pos then decimal_pos = decimal_pos - 1 end
if not decimal_pos then decimal_pos = #mantissa + 1 end
-- Remove leading zeros unless decimal point is in first position
while decimal_pos > 1 and mantissa:sub(1,1) == '0' do
mantissa = mantissa:sub(2)
decimal_pos = decimal_pos - 1
-- Shift decimal point right for exponent > 0
while exponent > 0 do
decimal_pos = decimal_pos + 1
exponent = exponent - 1
if decimal_pos > #mantissa + 1 then mantissa = mantissa .. '0' end
-- Remove leading zeros unless decimal point is in first position
while decimal_pos > 1 and mantissa:sub(1,1) == '0' do
mantissa = mantissa:sub(2)
decimal_pos = decimal_pos - 1
-- Shift decimal point left for exponent < 0
while exponent < 0 do
if decimal_pos == 1 then
mantissa = '0' .. mantissa
decimal_pos = decimal_pos - 1
exponent = exponent + 1
-- Insert decimal point in correct position and return
return (negative and '-' or '') .. mantissa:sub(1, decimal_pos - 1) .. '.' .. mantissa:sub(decimal_pos)
-- Rounds a number to the nearest two-word number (round = up, down, or "on" for round to nearest)
-- Numbers with two digits before the decimal will be rounded to an integer as specified by round.
-- Larger numbers will be rounded to a number with only one nonzero digit in front and all other digits zero.
-- Negative sign is preserved and does not count towards word limit.
local function round_for_english(num, round)
-- If an integer with at most two digits, just return
if num:find("^%-?%d?%d%.?$") then return num end
local negative = num:find("^%-")
if negative then
-- We're rounding magnitude so flip it
if round == 'up' then round = 'down' elseif round == 'down' then round = 'up' end
-- If at most two digits before decimal, round to integer and return
local _, _, small_int, trailing_digits, round_digit = num:find("^%-?(%d?%d?)%.((%d)%d*)$")
if small_int then
if small_int == '' then small_int = '0' end
if (round == 'up' and trailing_digits:find('[1-9]')) or (round == 'on' and tonumber(round_digit) >= 5) then
small_int = tostring(tonumber(small_int) + 1)
return (negative and '-' or '') .. small_int
-- When rounding up, any number with > 1 nonzero digit will round up (e.g. 1000000.001 rounds up to 2000000)
local nonzero_digits = 0
for digit in num:gfind("[1-9]") do
nonzero_digits = nonzero_digits + 1
num = num:gsub("%.%d*$", "") -- Remove decimal part
-- Second digit used to determine which way to round lead digit
local _, _, lead_digit, round_digit, round_digit_2, rest = num:find("^%-?(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d*)$")
if tonumber(lead_digit .. round_digit) < 20 and (1 + #rest) % 3 == 0 then
-- In English numbers < 20 are one word so put 2 digits in lead and round based on 3rd
lead_digit = lead_digit .. round_digit
round_digit = round_digit_2
rest = round_digit_2 .. rest
if (round == 'up' and nonzero_digits > 1) or (round == 'on' and tonumber(round_digit) >= 5) then
lead_digit = tostring(tonumber(lead_digit) + 1)
-- All digits but lead digit will turn to zero
rest = rest:gsub("%d", "0")
return (negative and '-' or '') .. lead_digit .. '0' .. rest
-- Takes a decimal number and converts it to English text.
-- Return nil if a fraction cannot be converted (only some numbers are supported for fractions).
-- num (string or nil): the number to convert.
-- Can be an arbitrarily large decimal, such as "-123456789123456789.345", and
-- can use scientific notation (e.g. "1.23E5").
-- May fail for very large numbers not listed in "groups" such as "1E4000".
-- num is nil if there is no whole number before a fraction.
-- numerator (string or nil): numerator of fraction (nil if no fraction)
-- denominator (string or nil): denominator of fraction (nil if no fraction)
-- capitalize (boolean): whether to capitalize the result (e.g. 'One' instead of 'one')
-- use_and (boolean): whether to use the word 'and' between tens/ones place and higher places
-- hyphenate (boolean): whether to hyphenate all words in the result, useful for use as an adjective
-- ordinal (boolean): whether to produce an ordinal (e.g. 'first' instead of 'one')
-- plural (boolean): whether to pluralize the resulting number
-- links: nil: do not add any links; 'on': link "billion" and larger to Orders of magnitude article;
-- any other text: list of numbers to link (e.g. "billion,quadrillion")
-- negative_word: word to use for negative sign (typically 'negative' or 'minus'; nil to use default)
-- round: nil or '': no rounding; 'on': round to nearest two-word number; 'up'/'down': round up/down to two-word number
-- zero: word to use for value '0' (nil to use default)
-- use_one (boolean): false: 2+1/2 → "two and a half"; true: "two and one-half"
local function numeral_to_spanish(num, capitalize, ordinal, links, negative_word, round, zero)
if not negative_word then
negative_word = 'menos'
num = scientific_notation_to_decimal(num)
if round and round ~= '' then
if round ~= 'on' and round ~= 'up' and round ~= 'down' then
error("Invalid rounding mode")
num = round_for_english(num, round)
-- Separar y detectar el signo negativo, num (dígitos antes del punto decimal), decimal_places (digitos después del decimal)
-- Manejo de signos
local MINUS = '−' -- Si utiliza el signo Unicode U+2212 MINUS SIGN reemplazarlo por el '-'
if num:sub(1, #MINUS) == MINUS then
num = '-' .. num:sub(#MINUS + 1) -- replace MINUS with '-'
elseif num:sub(1, 1) == '+' then --Si encuentra un '+' ignorarlo
num = num:sub(2) -- ignore any '+'
local negative = num:find("^%-") --Extraer el signo
local decimal_places, subs = num:gsub("^%-?%d*%.(%d+)$", "%1") -- Extraer posiciones decimales
if subs == 0 then decimal_places = nil end -- Si no hay marcarlo como nil
num, subs = num:gsub("^%-?(%d*)%.?%d*$", "%1") -- Extraer el número
if num == '' and decimal_places then num = '0' end -- Si está vacío y hay decimales -> marcar como 0
if subs == 0 or num == '' then error("Número decimal erróneo") end -- Si no se encuentra número se lanza un error
-- For each group of 3 digits except the last one, print with appropriate group name (e.g. million)
local s = '' -- Aquí se irá almacenando el número
while #num > 6 do
if s ~= '' then s = s .. ' ' end -- Si ya se han añadido cosas meter espacio
local group_num = math.floor(#num/6)
local group = groups[group_num]
local group_digits_B = #num - group_num*6
local group_digits_A = group_digits_B-3
-- Los grupos son: XXXYYY000000
-- A B resto
-- Manejando el grupo A
if group_digits_A > 0 then
if tonumber(num:sub(1, group_digits_A)) ~= 1 then
local res = numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num:sub(1, group_digits_A), false, zero, false):gsub('uno', 'un')
s = s .. res .. ' '
s = s .. 'mil '
group_digits_A = 0
-- Manejando el grupo B
if tonumber(num:sub(group_digits_A+1, group_digits_B)) ~= 1 then
if tonumber(num:sub(group_digits_A+1, group_digits_B)) ~= 0 then
local res = numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num:sub(group_digits_A+1, group_digits_B), false, zero, false):gsub('uno', 'un')
s = s .. res .. ' '
s = s .. 'un '
-- Añade la terminación al nombre de grupo en plural o singular
if tonumber(num:sub(1, group_digits_B)) ~= 1 or group_digits_B == 6 then
group = group .. 'llones'
group = group .. 'llón'
-- Cambia millon/millones por millonésimo en los ordinales que toque
if ordinal and string.find(group, 'mill') and tonumber(num:sub(group_digits_B, group_digits_B+3)) == 0 then
group = 'millonésimo'
-- Si el enlazado está activo coloca el enlace al grupo
if links and (((links == 'on' and group_num >= 1) or links:find(group)) and group_num <= 13) then
s = s .. '[[Orden_de_magnitud_(números)#10' .. group_num*6 .. '|' .. group .. ']]'
s = s .. group -- Si no lo deja tal cual
num = num:sub(1 + group_digits_B)
num = num:gsub("^0*", "") -- Trim leading zeros
-- Handle final six digits of integer part
if s ~= '' and num ~= '' then
s = s .. ' '
if s == '' or num ~= '' then
local num_digits_A = 0
local isOnly = true
if #num > 3 then
local num_digits_A = #num - 3
if tonumber(num:sub(1, num_digits_A)) ~= 1 then
if ordinal and tonumber(num:sub(1, num_digits_A)) < 100 then
s = s .. numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num:sub(1, num_digits_A), false, zero, false)
s = s .. numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num:sub(1, num_digits_A), false, zero, false) .. ' '
if ordinal then
s = s .. 'milésimo '
s = s .. 'mil '
num = num:sub(1 + num_digits_A)
isOnly = false
s = s .. numeral_to_spanish_less_1000(num:sub(num_digits_A, #num), ordinal, zero, isOnly)
-- For decimal places (if any) output "point" followed by spelling out digit by digit
if decimal_places then
local name = ''
local one = false
if #decimal_places > 5 then
local d = math.ceil((#decimal_places - 5)/6)
name = groups[d] .. 'llonésima'
name = decimal_small_groups[#decimal_places]
if decimal_places ~= '1' then
name = name .. 's'
one = true
s = s .. ' con'
--for i = 1, #decimal_places do
--s = s .. ' ' .. posicion_unidades[tonumber(decimal_places:sub(i,i))]
while decimal_places:sub(1,1) == '0' do
decimal_places = decimal_places:sub(2, #decimal_places)
s = s .. ' ' .. numeral_to_spanish(decimal_places, false, false, links, false, false, zero):gsub('uno', 'una'):gsub('cientos', 'cientas')
s = s .. ' ' .. name
s = s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- Trim whitespace
if negative and s ~= cero then s = negative_word .. ' ' .. s end
s = s:gsub("menos cero", "cero")
if capitalize then s = s:gsub("^%l", string.upper) end
s = s:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- Trim whitespace
return s
---- Función recursiva para convertir números decimales a hexadecimales
local function decToHexDigit(dec)
local dig = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"}
local div = math.floor(dec/16)
local mod = dec-(16*div)
if div >= 1 then return decToHexDigit(div)..dig[mod+1] else return dig[mod+1] end
local p = { -- Functions that can be called from another module
roman_to_numeral = roman_to_numeral,
spell_number = numeral_to_spanish
function p._roman_to_numeral(frame) -- Callable via {{#invoke:ConvertNumeric|_roman_to_numeral|VI}}
return roman_to_numeral(frame.args[1])
function p.numeral_to_spanish(frame)
local args = frame.args
local num = args[1]
num = num:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") -- Quitar espacios en blanco
num = num:gsub(",", "") -- Quitar comas
num = num:gsub("^<span[^<>]*></span>", "") -- Generated by Template:age
if num ~= '' then -- a fraction may have an empty whole number
if not num:find("^%-?%d*%.?%d*%-?[Ee]?[+%-]?%d*$") then
-- Input not in a valid format, try to pass it through #expr to see
-- if that produces a number (e.g. "3 + 5" will become "8").
num = frame:preprocess('{{#expr: ' .. num .. '}}')
-- Pass args from frame to helper function
return numeral_to_spanish(
args['case'] == 'U' or args['case'] == 'u',
args['ord'] == 'on',
) or ''
function p.decToHex(frame)
local args=frame.args
local parent=frame.getParent(frame)
local pargs={}
if parent then pargs=parent.args end
local text=args[1] or pargs[1] or ""
local minlength=args.minlength or pargs.minlength or 1
local prowl=mw.ustring.gmatch(text,"(.-)(%d+)")
local output=""
local chaff,dec=prowl()
if not(dec) then break end
local hex=decToHexDigit(dec)
while (mw.ustring.len(hex)<minlength) do hex="0"..hex end
until false
local chaff=mw.ustring.match(text,"(%D+)$") or ""
return output..chaff
return p